Numerical Evaluation of Electron Repulsion Integrals for
Pseudo-Atomic Orbitals and Their Derivatives
Masayuki Toyoda
and Taisuke Ozaki
Research Center for Integrated Science,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
1-1, Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 932-1292, Japan
Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics.
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The following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 124114 (2009)
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A numerical method to calculate the four-center
electron-repulsion integrals for strictly localized
pseudo-atomic orbital basis sets has been developed.
Compared to the conventional Gaussian expansion method,
this method has an advantage in ease of combination
density functional calculations.
Additional mathematical derivations are also presented
including the analytic derivatives of the integrals with
respect to atomic positions and spatial damping
of the Coulomb interaction due to the screening effect.
In the numerical test for a simple molecule, the convergence
up to
Hartree in energy is successfully
obtained with a feasible cost of computation.
In ab initio electronic structure calculations based on the
density-functional theory (DFT), the Fock exchange for Kohn-Sham
orbitals has been occasionally used as the ``exact'' exchange
in order to improve the poor description of exchange energy by
the Dirac exchange which is the standard functional used in the
local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient
corrections (GGA).
In recent years, various molecular systems have been calculated
by using the hybrid functional methods [1], such as
B3LYP [2,3] and PBE0 [4],
where a certain amount of the Fock exchange is admixed with the
LDA/GGA exchange-correlation functionals.
The introduction of the non-local Fock exchange significantly
improves the delocalization error [5] in the
semi-local LDA/GGA functional and presents better thermochemical
and structural properties of molecules.
The heavy computational demand to evaluate the Fock exchange is,
however, a serious drawback.
The studies for large molecules and solids are thus very limited.
One solution for this problem is given in the
Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) hybrid functional [6]
where the long tail of the Coulomb interaction is somewhat
artificially damped.
The successful application of the HSE hybrid functional to extended
systems, typified by the surprisingly accurate values of the
band-gap energies of semiconductors [7], implies that
the damping scheme they introduced is not just conducive to
reducing the computational cost, but reasonable as well to describe
the screening of the Coulomb interaction in real materials.
The Fock exchange consists of the four-center electron
repulsion integrals (ERI) among basis functions.
Since the integration can be performed analytically
with the Gaussian-type orbital (GTO) basis functions,
the Gaussian-expansion method is conventionally used
in the evaluation of ERI where the basis functions
are expanded in terms of GTO basis set
However, the Gauss transform of a numerically defined
function might require an indirect way such as a
fitting process of the function to analytic functions
unlike that for the Slater-type orbital (STO)
functions [8].
While, in our method, ERI is evaluated directly from
arbitrarily defined basis functions.
Specifically in the
DFT calculation codes, such as
and OpenMX [13,14,15], the strictly
localized pseudo-atomic orbital (PAO) basis sets are commonly
used since the real space sparsity of the resultant Hamiltonian
and overlap matrices enables us to combine the scheme with
methods and to parallelize the computation by the
domain decomposition in real space.
Therefore, toward the implementation of the hybrid functionals
or any other methods which utilizes the Fock exchange in the
DFT calculations, an effective numerical method is
required to evaluate the Fock exchange with using the non-analytic
PAO basis functions.
In this paper, we present a numerical procedure to calculate the
four-center ERI for the numerically defined basis functions.
We briefly review the mathematical derivations in the next section.
Then, based on the formulations, we derive the analytic derivatives
of the integrals with respect to atomic positions, which are
required for the calculation of the forces on atoms.
Our derivation is fully analytic and consistent with the integrals
We also derive the formulation of ERI when the spatial damping
of the Coulomb interaction is introduced as in the HSE
hybrid functional.
Numerical evaluation of ERI
The essential mathematical analysis described in this section
is provided by Talman [16].
The considered wavefunctions are expressed as the
linear combination of the PAO basis functions (LCPAO)
and each basis function is a product of a numerically defined
radial function
and an eigenfunction of angular momentum
i.e. the spherical harmonic function
for given angular momentum
(1) |
The Fock exchange for the wavefunctions is then expressed as
the sum of ERI for the basis functions.
In general, ERI for four basis functions centered at
different positions
is defined as follows:
(2) |
is also denoted as
to make the
order of the basis functions clear.
This integral is quite difficult to compute since the integration has
to be performed over six-dimensional space coordinates.
To reduce the dimensionality of the coordinates, one first needs
to describe the overlap of the basis functions
as a function centered at an arbitrarily chosen center
which will be referred to as the overlap function later,
and, similarly, the overlap of
at another center
Then, the integral Eq. (2) becomes
(5) |
By using the Fourier transform of the Coulomb interaction
(6) |
the integral in reciprocal space is expressed as a single-center
(7) |
the Fourier transformed functions of Eqs. (3)
and (4).
are also expanded
in terms of the spherical harmonic functions,
the angular part of the integral in Eq. (7)
can be performed analytically, where the overlap coefficient,
, is a radial function of
which will be
discussed later on.
Finally, the integral Eq. (2) is broken down
to a sum of single-dimensional integrals as follows:
(9) |
(10) |
is the Gaunt coefficients defined by
(11) |
The remaining problem is how to calculate
the overlap coefficients
Eq. (8).
In order to calculate them, the translation of expansion
center of a basis function is considered based on the investigation
by Löwdin [17] as follows:
(12) |
The coefficients
, often referred to as
-function, are given by
with a function of
defined by
is the
-th order spherical Bessel
transform and
is the transformed radial function
given by
The overlap functions, Eqs. (3) and
(4), are described
in terms of
-functions Eq. (13):
(17) |
Finally, by transforming Eq. (17),
the overlap coefficients in reciprocal space are obtained as
![$\displaystyle {\tilde P}^{ij}_L(k) = {\cal S}^{(\ell)} \left[ \vphantom{\sum} P^{ij}_L(r, \vec a_i - \vec c, \vec a_j - \vec c) \right] .$](img70.png) |
(18) |
Let us summarize how to compute ERI in the present approach:
The first step is to transform the radial part of
the basis functions by Eq. (15).
Then, for every pair of orbitals,
are calculated through Eqs. (13) and (14).
From those
-functions, the overlap coefficients
Eq. (17) and the transformed ones
Eq. (18) are obtained.
Finally, the integral Eq. (9) is calculated by summing
up the radial integrals Eq. (10).
Fast Spherical Bessel transform
In the above approach, the spherical Bessel
transform (SBT) is performed at three different
places, namely, Eqs. (14),
(15) and (18).
Since the orders of the transforms are different and high
at each step, this process can be a source of numerical errors
as well as a bottleneck in the computation speed.
A careful examination is therefore required in
implementing the numerical method of SBT.
In the preceding works by Talman, the fast spherical Bessel
transform technique is used, which is proposed by
Siegman [18] and Talman [19].
In our experience of testing several numerical techniques,
such as the discrete Bessel transform [20]
and the asymptotic expansion method [21],
we have reached the conclusion that the Siegman-Talman's
fast SBT method is actually the most stable and fast for
the present approach [22].
It, however, still suffers from oscillating numerical error
in high-order transforms.
The error becomes more significant for the PAO basis functions than
the analytic basis functions because of their finite truncation.
Fortunately, the oscillating error can be substantially suppressed
by applying a simple correction to the fast SBT method
as we describe later in this section.
In the fast SBT method, the radial variables
are changed
to their logarithms,
(19) |
Then SBT of a function
with order
![$\displaystyle {\tilde f}(k) = {\cal S}^{(\ell)} \left[ \vphantom{\sum} f(r) \right] \equiv \int_0^\infty j_\ell(kr) f(r) r^2 \ dr ,$](img78.png) |
(20) |
becomes a convolution-type integral as follows:
is an arbitrarily chosen parameter
is the Fourier transform.
The function
is the Fourier transformed
spherical Bessel function:
(22) |
where the integral can be performed analytically [19].
The transform, Eq. (21), is thus reduced to a couple
of consecutive one-dimensional Fourier transforms, where we can
take advantages of the speed of the fast Fourier transform (FFT)
As mentioned before, the fast SBT method suffers from the
oscillating numerical error in high-order transforms.
In Fig. 1, a typical example of such error is shown,
where a PAO basis function is transformed with the order
, and then back-transformed with the same order.
In the transformed function (the upper middle panel), the oscillating
error appears in the small-
After the back-and-forth transform (the upper right-hand panel), the
accumulation of error is observed.
Often, the error approaches quickly to infinity and the computation
In order to avoid the error, a simple correction is applied.
Since the error appears only in the small-
region, we perform the
integration of Eq. (20) for some selected
between 0 and
by using the straightforward trapezoidal method,
is smaller than the smallest
-points used in the
final integration Eq. (10) so that the effect of the
correction can be negligible, but the numerical breakdown can be
By a linear interpolation between the selected
we obtain another transformed function
in addition to
Then we replace
as follows:
(23) |
This rather crude way of correction actually serves for the practical
The lower panels of Fig. 1 show the example of the
back-and-forth transform of the PAO basis function with
the corrected fast SBT.
Here, we use
and the straightforward integration
are performed only for three selected
-points which are
and 0.
It is confirmed that the oscillating error is successfully suppressed.
Figure 1:
Accumulation of numerical error by back-and-forth
transforms with the fast SBT method.
The input function (a) is a PAO orbital
of H atom for
The transformed function of (a) is plotted in the
panel (b), and the back-transformed of (b) in the
panel (c).
In the lower panels (d), (e) and (f), accumulation of
numerical error by back-and-forth
transforms with our modified fast SBT method is shown,
where the error is substantially suppressed.
For the calculation of forces acting on atoms, we derive the
derivatives of the integral Eq. (9) with respect
to atomic positions.
In our derivation, the expansion centers for the overlap functions
are assumed to be given by the following forms:
Having in mind that
, the derivatives
are obtained as
where the vectors
are defined as
(30) |
(31) |
Here, the unit vectors are defined as follows:
are the spherical coordinate components
of the vector
The vector
can be calculated immediately since
all the differentiations in Eqs. (30) and (31)
are taken for the analytic functions.
As shown in the appendix, the differentiations of the
overlap functions in Eqs. (32) and (33) can also be performed completely analytically.
Note that the differentiations are taken only for
because the others can also be obtained via the
following sum rule:
The rule arises due to the assumption of Eqs. (24)
and (25), and this is the reason why we have assumed them.
There is another sum rule:
(39) |
which is a more general one arising from the definition
of the integral.
It is easily confirmed that the derivatives Eqs. (26),
(27), (28) and (29) satisfy the rule.
Screening of the Coulomb interaction
We also derive the formulation of ERI when the screening of
Coulomb interaction is introduced.
The screening scheme is assumed to be the same with that used
in the HSE hybrid functional [6],
(40) |
is the Gauss error function and
is a screening parameter.
The Fourier transform of the screened Coulomb interaction is
(41) |
Therefore, the radial integral Eq. (10) becomes
(42) |
Since the screening factor is independent of the atomic positions,
the derivatives are still in the similar forms as Eqs. (26),
(27), (28) and (29).
Except, the radial integrals Eqs. (31),
(32) and (33) are replaced with the screened ones
as follows:
(43) |
Computation speed
Our motivation is in the application of the Fock exchange
in large systems such as large molecules and solids.
In those systems, an enormous (infinite for
solids) number of combinations of basis functions
have to be considered.
Fortunately for the PAO basis sets, since they are strictly
confined in real space, the overlaps are exactly zero whenever
the distance between the basis functions is longer than the
sum of the confinement lengths.
On the other hand, however, any two overlap functions can
interact with each other even if they are separated quite
far apart because of the infinitely long tail of the Coulomb
By using the screening scheme described in the previous
section, it might be justified to neglect the contribution
from the far-separated pairs.
Nevertheless, still a large number of pairs have to be
calculated since the typical value of the screening parameter is
and thus the effective screening
length is
Therefore, we should consider to make the computation
faster for the final integration Eqs. (9) and
As already pointed out by Talman, the
convergence of the summation Eq. (9) is very fast
so that the cutoff angular momentum
and the
number of
-sampling points
can be decreased.
We shall define new parameters
for Eqs. (9) and (10)
in order to distinguish from the original parameters
which are used in the other parts.
has to be as large as
to describe the overlap functions accurately.
While, as shown later,
enough to obtain
Hartree accuracy in energy even when
orbitals are involved.
is required to be
, while, in the
final integration, the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature can be used
which gives good convergence with
The location of the expansion centers
has also
a significant effect on the convergence speed.
In general,
is an orbital-dependent value.
Therefore, since
-functions Eqs. (13)
and (14) depend on
(note that what we
actually need is the terms in the right-hand side of Eq.
(17)), one needs to calculate those coefficients
of which the number is equivalent to that of neighboring orbitals.
Here, we offer a suggestion that the computation cost may be
reduced by choosing
at the middle of the two orbital centers,
(46) |
In this case, the required number of
is decreased by a factor of the number of orbitals per atom, which is
Note that Eq. (46) is not the best choice if
just one ERI is considered.
In fact, the choice of of
with considering the
spatial extent of each orbital gives faster convergence
in the final integration [23].
Therefore, it becomes a competition between the convergence speed
in performing a single integral and the required number of
Computation results
In order to check the convergence properties of our routine,
we first performed calculations of ERI for a GTO basis set.
Three different integrals
are calculated.
The definition of the basis functions for the integrals is
listed in Table 1.
For all the integrals, the orbital locations are fixed to the
corners of a square on the
plane with edge length of 1;
The cutoff for the angular momentum is
and the number of radial mesh points is
In the final integration, the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature is used
where the number of k-sampling points is
the summation is taken up to a reduced cutoff
In Table 2, the calculated values of the integrals are
shown for increasing
, where they are left blank
after the convergence up to
Hartree is achieved.
The exact values are also shown for comparison, which are
obtained by using the analysis given in literature [9].
It is clearly found that the convergence becomes slower for orbitals
with higher angular momentum.
Nevertheless, the accurate values for all the
integrals up to
Hartree are obtained with
Definition of the integrals in the calculations of ERI for GTO.
integral |
function |
radial |
angular |
, , ,  |
,  |
Convergence of the calculations of ERI for
GTO basis set with respect to the cutoff parameter
Integrals (Hartree) |
0 |
0.007608 |
0.002853 |
0.000000 |
1 |
0.002384 |
0.001055 |
2 |
0.002512 |
0.000305 |
3 |
0.002656 |
4 |
-0.001909 |
5 |
-0.001909 |
6 |
-0.001965 |
exact |
0.007608 |
0.002512 |
-0.001966 |
As a more realistic example, we performed calculations of ERI
of a methane molecule for a Slater-type orbital (STO) basis set.
The basis functions and the atomic positions are summarized in
Table 3.
Our results and the comparison values which are calculated
by using the Gaussian expansion method [9] are
shown in Table 4.
For all the integrals considered, ours and the comparison
values agree with each other up to
The difference from the comparison values is large for
because the C-
inner-shell orbital is involved.
In general, the small spatial extent of such the inner-shell orbitals
makes the convergence slower.
This, however, would not have to be considered so seriously in the
actual calculations if the contribution of the inner-shell
electrons are included in the pseudopotentials.
Basis functions and atomic positions in the calculations of methane molecule.
The STO basis functions are normalized.
Symbol |
Atom |
Orbital |
Position |
Exponent |
H |
0 |
0 |
H |
0 |
H |
H |
C |
0 |
0 |
0 |
C |
0 |
0 |
0 |
C |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Convergence of the calculations of ERI of methane
molecule for the STO basis set.
The symbols
specify the STO basis functions of H and C atoms.
See Table 3 for details.
The comparison values are taken from ref. [9].
Integrals (Hartree) |
0 |
0.031420 |
0.035743 |
0.097301 |
0.013109 |
0.011258 |
0.170321 |
0.026924 |
0.009519 |
1 |
0.031420 |
0.035743 |
0.097301 |
0.013010 |
0.011186 |
0.170321 |
0.020083 |
0.006288 |
2 |
0.030647 |
0.035666 |
0.095631 |
0.012719 |
0.011188 |
0.166242 |
0.020144 |
0.006106 |
3 |
0.030647 |
0.035666 |
0.095631 |
0.012723 |
0.011188 |
0.166242 |
0.019819 |
0.005914 |
4 |
0.030684 |
0.035694 |
0.095709 |
0.012743 |
0.011188 |
0.166578 |
0.019834 |
0.005902 |
5 |
0.030684 |
0.035694 |
0.095709 |
0.012743 |
0.011188 |
0.166578 |
0.019809 |
0.005887 |
6 |
0.030681 |
0.035694 |
0.095703 |
0.012741 |
0.011188 |
0.166531 |
0.019811 |
0.005887 |
comp. |
0.030683 |
0.035694 |
0.095706 |
0.012741 |
0.011195 |
0.166536 |
0.019809 |
0.005885 |
Calculations of ERI for a PAO basis set are performed for the
methane structure.
The PAO data is taken from those used in OpenMX DFT calculation
package [24].
The ground state orbitals generated by the confinement scheme
[13] with the radius of 5.0 Bohr are used as the
PAO basis functions for both the hydrogen and carbon atoms.
The calculated values are shown in Table 5 where
the parameters
are used.
The comparison values are also calculated by using the present
method with the enhanced parameters
As well as the analytic functions such as GTO and STO basis sets,
even for the strictly localized PAO basis set, it is confirmed that
the convergence up to
Hartree is obtained with
Convergence of the calculations of ERI of methane molecule
for the PAO basis set.
The symbols and the atomic positions are the same as in Table
The comparison values are also calculated by using the present
method with enhanced parameters (see text for details).
Integrals (Hartree) |
0 |
0.031071 |
0.035881 |
0.096122 |
0.070962 |
0.158759 |
0.141194 |
-0.044336 |
0.047671 |
1 |
0.031071 |
0.035881 |
0.096122 |
0.071814 |
0.161936 |
0.141194 |
-0.030393 |
0.018107 |
2 |
0.030601 |
0.035835 |
0.095266 |
0.071497 |
0.162871 |
0.140576 |
-0.031044 |
0.020152 |
3 |
0.030601 |
0.035835 |
0.095266 |
0.071508 |
0.162823 |
0.140576 |
-0.030911 |
0.019802 |
4 |
0.030630 |
0.035860 |
0.095316 |
0.071517 |
0.162851 |
0.140577 |
-0.030915 |
0.019825 |
5 |
0.030630 |
0.035860 |
0.095316 |
0.071517 |
0.162851 |
0.140577 |
-0.030906 |
0.019826 |
6 |
0.030627 |
0.035860 |
0.095313 |
0.071516 |
0.162855 |
0.140577 |
-0.030905 |
0.019828 |
comp. |
0.030630 |
0.035862 |
0.095318 |
0.071519 |
0.162859 |
0.140581 |
-0.030903 |
0.019829 |
The computation time in our method for calculating
a single integral is 3.0 sec with Intel Xeon processor
3.2 GHz.
This is too expensive compared to the time required in
the conventional Gaussian-expansion method, e.g.,
one of the most sophisticated program takes only
0.5 - 1.3 msec per integral with Intel Pentium IV
processor 3.2 GHz [10].
In our method, the most of the time is consumed in
the calculation of the overlap functions.
Fortunately, the required number of pairs is
proportional to the number of the basis functions
due to the finite truncation of the PAO basis functions,
whereas the effort of the computation of ERIs scales
quadratically as the number of the basis functions
In addition to that, the overlap functions can be
reused for the calculations of ERI with a different
pair of them, e.g., the overlap of 1 and 2 for
can also be used for
Therefore, the computation efficiency in total can
be significantly enhanced as the system size becomes
In summary, a numerical method to evaluate ERI for the PAO basis
sets has been developed.
Based on the mathematical analysis by Talman, we derive
the analytic derivatives and a spatial damping scheme for
the Coulomb interaction.
We also propose a numerical method for SBT of the strictly
localized PAO basis functions,
where the oscillating numerical error is well suppressed
even for the high-order transforms.
In the numerical calculations for a simple molecule,
the convergence up to
Hartree in energy has been
successfully obtained.
The present method enables us to utilize state-of-the-art
hybrid functional methods in the
DFT calculation
This work was partly supported by CREST-JST and the
Next Generation Super Computing Project, Nanoscience Program,
MEXT, Japan.
The derivatives of the overlap functions in the vectors
Eqs. (32) and (33) are given as
where we use the assumption in Eqs. (24)
and (25).
Then, the derivatives of the
-functions are
where the unit vectors are the similar to
Eqs. (34), (35) and (36)
are the spherical coordinate
components of
We come to the final equation, the derivatives of
![$\displaystyle \frac{\partial}{\partial a} \Gamma^\ell_{\lambda \lambda'}(r, ) =...
...{dz} j_{\lambda'}(z) \right) \right\vert _{z = ka} {\tilde f}_\ell(k) \right] .$](img341.png) |
(A.3) |
As derived here, all the components are derived analytically,
without using any numerical differentiation.
In Eq. (30), there are terms proportional to
, which
diverge as
approaches to zero.
In fact,
can be a near-zero values when, for example, atoms are
on a square lattice and the orbitals
located at each end of a diagonal of the square, and
are at each end of the other diagonal.
To avoid such numerical problem, we impose a lower limit on
as follows:
(A.4) |
The same problem may arise for the derivative of
However, we do not need to consider the case when
is close to zero.
This is because, in such case, the two orbitals are located on a same
atom and thus the derivative of the overlap function (A1)
should be always zero.
Here, we assume that all the orbitals are located on the atoms.
Note that the derivatives are not taken with respect to the orbital
centers but to the atomic positions.
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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
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TOYODA Masayuki