LIBERI: Library for Numerical Evaluation of Electron-Repulsion Integrals

Masayuki Toyoda* and Taisuke Ozaki
Research Center for Integrated Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
1-1, Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 932-1292, Japan

Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. This article is provided by the author for the reader's personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and Elsevier B.V.
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*Corresponding author:
Masayuki Toyoda,
Postal Address: Research Center for Integrated Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1-1, Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 932-1292, Japan.
Phone: +81-761-51-1987
E-mail: m-toyoda (at)


We provide a C library, called LIBERI, for numerical evaluation of four-center electron repulsion integrals, based on successive reduction of integral dimension by using Fourier transforms. LIBERI enables us to compute the integrals for numerically defined basis functions within $ 10^{-5}$ Hartree accuracy as well as their derivatives with respect to the atomic nuclear positions. Damping of the Coulomb interaction can also be imposed to take account of screening effect.

Keywords: Ab initio calculations, Exchange interactions, Exchange-correlation functionals
PACS: 31.15A-; 71.70Gm; 31.15eg


Manuscript Title: LIBERI: Library for Numerical Evaluation of Electron-Repulsion Integrals
Authors: M. Toyoda and T. Ozaki
Program Title: LIBERI
Journal Reference:
Catalogue identifier:
Licensing provisions: none
Programming language: C
Computer: all
Operating system: any Unix-like system
RAM: 5 - 10 MB
Keywords: Ab initio calculations, Exchange interactions, Exchange-correlation functionals
PACS: 31.15A-; 71.70Gm; 31.15eg
Classification: 7.4 Electronic Structure
External routines/libraries: LAPACK, FFTW3
Nature of problem: Numerical evaluation of four-center electron-rupulsion integrals
Solution method: Four-center electron-repulsion integals are computed for given basis function set, based on successive reduction of integral dimension using Fourier transform.
Running time: 0.5 sec for the demo program supplied with the package


The efficient and accurate evaluation of the four-center electron-repulsion integrals (ERIs) is an essential task in computational studies of the electronic structures of molecules and solids. For given basis functions $ \varphi_1(\vec r)$, $ \varphi_2(\vec r)$, $ \varphi_3(\vec r)$ and $ \varphi_4(\vec r)$ located at $ \vec a_1$, $ \vec a_2$, $ \vec a_3$ and $ \vec a_4$, respectively, ERI is defined as,

$\displaystyle (12\vert 34) \equiv \iint \varphi_1^*(\vec r - \vec a_1) \varphi_...
... \varphi_3(\vec r' - \vec a_3) \varphi_4^*(\vec r' - \vec a_4) \ d^3 r d^3 r' .$ (1)

Conventionally, Gaussian-type orbitals (GTOs) are used for the basis functions $ \varphi_i(\vec r)$ in Eq. (1). This is due to the fact that with the GTOs the integrals can be evaluated quite easily [1]. Improvements in the numerical methods for the evaluation of ERIs for GTOs have been made for more than a half century [2,3,4,5]. Although GTOs are convenient for mathematical operations, they are not suitable to describe atomic wave functions because they do not satisfy two important conditions for solutions of the atomic Schrödinger equation, namely the exponential decay at long range and the cusp at the origin. This problem can be overcome by taking contractions of GTOs to mimic realistic atomic wave functions with the appropriate nuclear cusp behaviors. However, the increase in the number of basis functions by the contractions causes a more significant increase in the number of required integrals to be computed.

An alternative approach to evaluate ERIs has been developed by Talman [6] for general types of basis functions where the radial part is defined numerically on a radial mesh. In his paper, the multicenter integrals including ERIs are evaluated for Slater-type orbital (STO) basis. In our previous paper [7], we have implemented Talman's approach in a program code and evaluated the ERIs for the strictly localized pseudo-atomic orbitals (PAOs) [8] which are obtained by solving Schrödinger-like equations with confinement conditions. The PAO basis sets are suitable for linear scaling method and thus for large scale ab initio calculations. We have also presented some extension to Talman's approach such as the formulation of the derivatives of ERIs with respect to the nuclear positions and the modification of the equations to take the screening effect into account by making the Coulomb interaction short-range.

In the preset paper, we extract the relevant subroutines from our program code, pack them up, and present it as an independent library named LIBERI (LIBrary for numerical evaluation of ERIs). In Section 2, the basic equations of LIBERI are briefly reviewed. More detailed topics on the numerical techniques, especially for the spherical Bessel transform are presented in Section 3. Instruction how to compile and use LIBERI is provided in the following sections. In Section 6, we estimate required computation time in actual calculations.


In this section, the equations used in LIBERI are outlined. For the detailed derivations, we refer readers to the original work by Talman [6] as well as our previous article [7]. What LIBERI does is to compute Eq. (1) for given basis functions. Each basis function is decomposed into its radial and angular components,

$\displaystyle \varphi(\vec r) = f(r) Y_L(\hat r) ,$ (2)

where $ Y_L(\hat r)$ is the spherical harmonic function for a given angular momentum $ L = (\ell, m)$. The radial part $ f(r)$ is an arbitrarily shaped (but localized in a usual sense) function which is numerically defined on a radial mesh.

The calculation of a ERI consists of two distinct parts. The first step is to calculate a function which describes the overlap of $ \varphi_1(\vec r)$ and $ \varphi_2(\vec r)$, and another one for $ \varphi_3(\vec r)$ and $ \varphi_4(\vec r)$. Then, the second part evaluates the ERI in the same manner as the calculation of the electrostatic energy of two electrons whose charge distribution is described by the overlap functions. Let us define the overlap function $ F^{12}(\vec r)$ which is defined for $ \varphi_1(\vec r)$ and $ \varphi_2(\vec r)$, and $ F^{34}(\vec r)$ for $ \varphi_3(\vec r)$ and $ \varphi_4(\vec r)$,

$\displaystyle F^{12}(\vec r - \vec c)$ $\displaystyle = \varphi_1(\vec r - \vec a_1) \varphi_2^*(\vec r - \vec a_2) ,$ (3)
$\displaystyle F^{34}(\vec r - \vec c')$ $\displaystyle = \varphi_3(\vec r - \vec a_3) \varphi_4^*(\vec r - \vec a_4) ,$ (4)

where $ \vec c$ and $ \vec c'$ are arbitrarily chosen centers. Obviously, $ \vec c$ should be located at somewhere between $ \vec a_1$ and $ \vec a_2$, and $ \vec c'$ at somewhere between $ \vec a_3$ and $ \vec a_4$. We will discuss in Section 3.3 on how to determine the positions of $ \vec c$ and $ \vec c'$ in actual calculations. In order to calculate the overlap functions, the centers of the basis functions should be translated, which means, for example, $ \varphi_1(\vec r)$ located at $ \vec a_1$ has to be described in a spherical coordinate centered at $ \vec c$. Such translation is described by using Löwdin's $ \alpha$-functions [9] as follows:

$\displaystyle \varphi_i(\vec r - \vec a_i) = \sum_{\Lambda=(\lambda, \mu)} \alp...
...\vec r - \vec c\vert, \vec a_i - \vec c) Y_\Lambda(\widehat{\vec r - \vec c}) ,$ (5)

$\displaystyle \alpha^i_\Lambda(r, \vec a)$ $\displaystyle = 4 \pi \sum_{\Lambda'} i^{\ell_i - \lambda + \lambda'} G^{L_i}_{\Lambda \Lambda'} \Gamma^i_{\lambda \lambda'}(r, a) Y_{\Lambda'}(\hat a) .$ (6)

Here, $ \Gamma^i_{\lambda \lambda'}(r, a)$ is given by multiplying a phase shift which corresponds to the constant spatial shift $ a$ with the basis function in Fourier space and by transforming it back to real space

$\displaystyle \Gamma^i_{\lambda \lambda'}(r, a)$ $\displaystyle = \frac{2}{\pi} \int_0^\infty dk \ k^2 j_\lambda(kr) j_{\lambda'}(ka) {\tilde f}_i(k) ,$ (7)

$\displaystyle {\tilde f}_i(k)$ $\displaystyle = \int_0^\infty dr \ r^2 j_{\ell_i}(kr) f_i(r) ,$ (8)

where $ j_\ell(z)$ is the spherical Bessel function of the first kind and $ G^L_{\Lambda \Lambda'}$ is the Gaunt coefficients defined by

$\displaystyle G^{L}_{\Lambda \Lambda'} \equiv \int \left( Y_L(\hat r) \vphantom{\sum} \right)^* Y_{\Lambda}(\hat r) Y_{\Lambda'}(\hat r) \ d \Omega_r .$ (9)

The translation of the expansion center in Eq. (5) can be derived by considering inverse Fourier transform with a phase shift corresponding to the spatial shift $ a$ for Fourier transformed basis function $ \varphi(\vec r)$. The integral in Eq. (8) is the spherical Bessel transform (SBT) of the basis function $ f_i(r)$. Numerical methods for the fast evaluation of SBT are discussed in the following section.

The overlap functions given in Eqs. (3) and (4) are written as the product of the $ \alpha$-functions of the two basis functions,

$\displaystyle F^{ij}(\vec r)$ $\displaystyle = \sum_L P^{ij}_L(r, \vec a_i - \vec c, \vec a_j - \vec c) Y_L(\hat r) ,$ (10)

$\displaystyle P^{ij}_L(r, \vec a_i - \vec c, \vec a_j - \vec c) = \sum_\Lambda ... a_i - \vec c) \left( \alpha^{j}_{\Lambda'}(r, \vec a_j - \vec c) \right)^* .$ (11)

By substituting Eq. (10), Eq. (1) in the Fourier space is given as

$\displaystyle (12\vert 34) = \frac{1}{2 \pi^2} \int \frac{1}{k^2} \left( {\tild...
...}(\vec k) \right)^* {\tilde F}^{34}(\vec k) e^{i \vec k \cdot \vec R} \ d^3 k ,$ (12)

where $ \vec R \equiv \vec c' - \vec c$ and $ {\tilde F}^{ij}$ is the Fourier transformed overlap function given as

$\displaystyle {\tilde F}^{ij}(\vec k) = 4 \pi \sum_L i^{\ell} {\tilde P}^{ij}_L(k) Y_L(\hat k) ,$ (13)
$\displaystyle {\tilde P}^{ij}_L(k) = \int_0^\infty dr \ r^2 j_\ell(kr) P^{ij}_L(r, \vec a_i - \vec c, \vec a_j - \vec c) .$ (14)

The integration over the angular coordinates in Eq. (12) can be performed analytically, resulting in the integration over the radial coordinate as follows:

$\displaystyle (12\vert 34) = 32 \pi \sum_L \sum_{L'} \sum_{\Lambda = (\lambda, ...
...mbda} G^L_{L' \Lambda} Q^\lambda_{L L'}(R) \left( Y_\Lambda(\hat R) \right)^* ,$ (15)

$\displaystyle Q^\lambda_{L L'}(R) \equiv \int_0^\infty j_\lambda(kR) \left( {\tilde P}^{12}_L(k) \right)^* {\tilde P}^{34}_L(k) \ dk .$ (16)

In our previous paper [7], we have derived analytic formulae for the derivatives of ERI with respect to the positions of the basis function centers.


Although the Coulomb interaction is an infinitely long-range force, the effective interaction between two electrons in real materials can be rather short-range due to screening by other electrons [10]. In practical calculations for periodic systems, this screening effect has indispensably to be taken into account because, otherwise, an enormous number of the integrals must be computed. Heyd et al. have proposed a simple scheme to simulate the screening effect where a Gaussian-type damping term is added to the Coulomb interaction. They have applied their screening scheme to the exchange part of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) hybrid functional [11] and succeeded to improve the prediction of properties of materials, such as the energy band gap of semiconductors.

The modified short-range Coulomb interaction is given by

$\displaystyle \frac{1 - \mathrm{erf}(\omega r)}{r} ,$ (17)

where $ \mathrm{erf}(\omega r)$ is the Gauss error function and $ \omega$ is a screening parameter which is typically chosen to be $ 0.05 \sim 0.30 \ a_0^{-1}$. In the formulation in the previous section, the replacement of the Coulomb interaction with Eq. (17) only changes the radial integral in Eq. (16) with

$\displaystyle Q^{\lambda,\mathrm{scr}}_{L L'}(R, \omega) = \int_0^\infty dk \ j...
..._L(k) \right)^* {\tilde P}^{34}_{L'}(k) \left( 1 - e^{-k^2/4\omega^2} \right) .$ (18)


In this section, we describe the detailed algorithms used in LIBERI. The basic variable types used in LIBERI are int type for integers and double type for real numbers. Complex numbers are described by an array double[2] where the first element holds the real part and the second element holds the imaginary part.

For a practical reason, the equation which is actually calculated is not exactly Eq. (1) but is

$\displaystyle (12\vert 34)' \equiv \iint \varphi_1(\vec r - \vec a_1) \varphi_2...
...t} \varphi_3(\vec r' - \vec a_3) \varphi_4(\vec r' - \vec a_4) \ d^3 r d^3 r' .$ (19)

From the property of complex conjugation of $ Y_L(\hat r)$, Eqs. (1) and (19) can be converted to each other as follows:

$\displaystyle (\varphi_{\ell_1,m_1} \varphi_{\ell_2,m_2}\vert \varphi_{\ell_3,m...
...1,-m_1} \varphi_{\ell_2,m_2}\vert \varphi_{\ell_3,m_3} \varphi_{\ell_4,-m_4}) .$ (20)

Mesh points and angular momentum cut-off

As mentioned before, the calculation process is separated into two parts. The first part of the calculation is to compute overlap functions in Fourier space through the spherical Bessel transform (SBT) in Eqs. (7), (8), and (14) and the summation over the angular momentum $ L$ in Eqs. (6) and (11). The radial mesh points are determined to be suitable for the algorithm of SBT, which we call the SBT-mesh. The $ L$-summation is taken up to a certain cut-off $ \ell_\mathrm{max}$ which is typically $ 10 \sim 15$. The second part of the calculation is to compute the integral through the semi-infinite integration in Eq. (16) and the $ L$-summation in Eq. (15). The semi-infinite integral is evaluated numerically by the Gauss-Laguerre (GL) quadrature and, therefore, the radial mesh points are at appropriate abscissas (zeros of the Laguerre polynomial) , which we call the GL-mesh. Since, as discussed later, the $ L$-summation in Eq. (15) converges faster than those in in Eqs. (6) and (11), we can terminate the summation at a smaller cut-off $ \ell _\mathrm {max}'$.

Since two different types of numerical algorithms for SBT are available in LIBERI, two different types of SBT-mesh are provided, namely the logarithmic mesh and linearly-spaced mesh. The schematic illustration of the meshes is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the two kinds of radial meshes used in LIBERI.
The logarithmic mesh covers from $ r_0$ to $ r_\mathrm{max}$ with $ N$ points where the interval between two adjacent points becomes exponentially wider as $ r$ increases. Most of the points are thus located in the vicinity of $ r_0$. This is suitable to describe atomic orbital wave functions in real space since the detailed structure near nuclei is well described. While, in reciprocal space, it is not so suitable because the important information is contained in the partial waves at large wave numbers. In fact, the Gaussian-type damping term described in Eq. (18) screens out the contributions from the small wave numbers region. The linearly-spaced mesh covers from 0 to $ r_\mathrm{max}$ with N points which are separated by a uniform interval $ \Delta r = r_\mathrm{max}/N$. For the convenience in performing FFT, the mesh points are shifted by a half of the interval.

Spherical Bessel transform

In LIBERI, two different kinds of numerical methods for SBT are available. One is developed by Siegman [12] and Talman [13], which is one of the most established method for the numerical SBT. In the method, a SBT is evaluated through two consecutive Fourier transforms, by employing a logarithmic radial mesh. The other method for numerical SBT has recently been developed by the authors [14] which shows performance comparable to or even better in some specific cases than the Siegman-Talman method. This method uses a linearly spaced radial mesh. For convenience sake, the methods are called as log-FSBT and linear-FSBT, respectively, where FSBT stands for fast spherical Bessel transform. The log-FSBT is faster for a single transform, while the linear-FSBT is faster for a series of transforms. As the overall performance, the calculations of the overlap functions with the liner-FSBT method is faster (by only a few percent, though) than the calculations with the log-FSBT method. Therefore, the linear-FSBT is used in LIBERI as the default setting.

Log-FSBT method

The radial coordinate variables $ r$ and $ k$ are replaced by their logarithms,

$\displaystyle \rho = \ln(r), \quad \kappa = \ln(k) ,$ (21)

so that a SBT becomes a convolution-type integral as follows:

$\displaystyle {\tilde f}(e^k)$ $\displaystyle = e^{(m-3/2)\kappa} \int_{-\infty}^\infty dt \ e^{i \kappa t} M_{\ell,m}(t) \int_{-\infty}^\infty d\rho \ e^{i t \rho} e^{(m+3/2)\rho} f(e^\rho) ,$ (22)

where $ m$ is an integer lying between 0 and $ \ell$ and $ M_{\ell,m}(t)$ is defined as

$\displaystyle M_{\ell,m}(t) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\infty}^\infty d \rho \ e^{-t \rho} e^{(3/2-m)\rho} j_{\ell}(e^\rho).$ (23)

The function $ M_{\ell,m}(t)$ can be expressed analytically [13]. The integer $ m$ determines the accuracy of this conversion via the factor $ e^{m\kappa}$ in Eq. (22). High accuracy can be achieved with $ m=\ell$ for $ \kappa \ll 0$ and $ m=0$ for $ \kappa \gg 0$ [13]. In out implementation, $ m$ is set to be 0 unless explicitly specified. The Fourier transforms in Eq. (22) are performed numerically by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The computation effort of the log-FSBT method, therefore, scales as $ N \log_2 N$.

Linear-FSBT method

The authors have recently developed a new method for numerical SBT [14] aiming to overcome the restriction of the shape of the radial mesh. The starting point of the method is the integral representation of the spherical Bessel function,

$\displaystyle j_{\ell}(z) = \frac{1}{2 i^\ell} \int_{-1}^1 dt \ e^{izt} P_\ell(t),$ (24)

where $ P_\ell(t)$ is the Legendre polynomial. By substituting Eq. (24) into the SBT, the following expression is obtained:

$\displaystyle {\tilde f}_\ell(k) = \frac{(-1)^{\lfloor \ell/2 \rfloor}}{k} \int_0^k dt' \ P_{\ell}(t'/k) F_{(\ell)}(t'),$ (25)

where $ F_{(\ell)}(t)$ is the Fourier cosine/sine transform of $ f(r)$,

$\displaystyle F_{(\ell)}(t) \equiv \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} \int_0^\infty dr \...
...\infty dr \ \sin tr \ f(r) r^2, & \text{$\ell$\ is odd}. \\ \end{array} \right.$ (26)

By expanding the Legendre polynomial explicitly, Eq. (25) becomes

$\displaystyle {\tilde f}_\ell(k) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} \sum_{j=0}^m (-1)^...
...+1)!!}{(2j+1)!(2m-2j)!!} I_{2j+1}(k), & (\ell = 2m + 1), \\ \end{array} \right.$ (27)

where $ x!!$ is a double factorial and $ I_n(k)$ is defined as

$\displaystyle I_n(k) \equiv \frac{1}{k^{n+1}} \int_0^k dt \ t^n F_{(n)}(t) .$ (28)

The integration in Eq. (28) is carried out by piecewise integration where each piece is evaluated by using a cubic polynomial interpolation. Since the integrand does not depend on $ k$, the values of $ I_n(k)$ for all $ k$ points are obtained in an efficient recursive manner [14]. The derivatives of of $ F_{(n)}(t)$ with respect to $ t$ is also required for the polynomial interpolation, which are easily derived as follows:

$\displaystyle \frac{d}{dt} F_{(\ell)}(t) \equiv \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} -\int...
...\infty dr \ \cos tr \ f(r) r^3, & \text{$\ell$\ is odd}, \\ \end{array} \right.$ (29)

Note that the order of $ I_n(k)$ appearing in Eq. (25) is always of the same parity as the order of transform $ \ell$, which means that either cosine of sine transform in Eqs. (26) and (29) is required to be evaluated. Therefore, the required number of the Fourier transforms in the linear-FSBT method is two, which is equivalent to the number required in the log-FSBT method. In addition to the FFT operations, the linear-FSBT method requires the integrations described in Eq. (28). Nevertheless, the total computation time of the linear-FSBT in actual calculations is in the same order as that of the log-FSBT method.

Table 1: Computation time in msec for a set of transforms by the log-FSBT and linear-FSBT methods, where a function is transformed with each different order from 0 to 14. The number of sampling points is 2048. In result A, the redundant computations are skipped within a serial transform. Note that the skipping is applied to the log-FSBT method as well as the linear-FSBT method. In result B, every transform is performed one by one, without using the skipping. The computation was perform on a PC with Intel Core i7 processors @ 2.67 GHz.
(msec) log-FSBT linear-FSBT
A 6.8 3.4
B 9.6 22.8

The most significant advantage of the linear-FSBT method is gained when an input function is transformed for several different orders, which happens, for example, in the evaluation of $ \Gamma^i_{\lambda,\lambda'}(r, a)$ in Eq. (7). Since $ I_n(k)$ appearing in Eq. (26) does not depend on the order of transform $ \ell$ (nor equivalently on $ m$), the most time consuming part (the Fourier transforms and the integration in Eq. (28)) can be skipped after the first operation. In Table 1, results of test calculations where a function is transformed for a series of orders up to 14 are shown. The linear-FSBT method is twice faster than the log-FSBT method when redundant computations are skipped.

Expansion Centers

The convergence speed of $ L$-summation in Eq. (15) depends on the choice of the positions of $ \vec c$ and $ \vec c'$. In LIBERI, in order to make the equations of the derivative simpler, every center is assumed to be located on a line segment between the centers of two basis functions. For example, the center of the overlap functions between the basis functions $ \varphi_1(\vec r)$ and $ \varphi_2(\vec r)$ located at $ \vec a_1$ and $ \vec a_2$, respectively, is given as

$\displaystyle \vec c$ $\displaystyle = (\chi_1 \vec a_1 + \chi_2 \vec a_2)/(\chi_1+\chi_2) ,$ (30)

where $ \chi_1$ and $ \chi_2$ are parameters which are functionals of the basis functions. The simplest choice is the middle-point ( $ \chi_1 = \chi_2$). A more reasonable choice is to make $ \chi_1$ and $ \chi_2$ proportional to the inverse of $ \langle r^2 \rangle$. Talman [15] has investigated the convergence speed of an exchange integral defined by

$\displaystyle V = \iint \phi_1(\vec r - \vec R) \phi_2(\vec r) \frac{1}{\vert\vec r - \vec r'\vert} \phi_1(\vec r' - \vec R) \phi_2(\vec r') \ d^3 r d^3 r' ,$ (31)

where $ \phi_1$ and $ \phi_2$ are STOs with different orbital parameters and $ \vec R = R \vec e_z$, showing that the convergence becomes faster with the expansion centers at the $ \langle r^2 \rangle^{-1}$-averaged points than with those at the middle-points.

Another choice is to make $ \chi_1$ and $ \chi_2$ proportional to the $ \langle \nabla^2 \rangle / \langle r^2 \rangle$. Although $ \langle r^2 \rangle^{-1}$ characterizes the averaged distribution of the radial function, it does not distinguish the anisotropic shapes between, for example, $ s$ and $ d$ orbitals. By introducing $ \langle \nabla^2 \rangle$, the spatial anisotropy of the basis function is effectively taken into account. We have calculated the exchange integral where $ \phi_1$ and $ \phi_2$ are PAO wave functions with different spatial extents, namely the $ 1s$ orbital of H atom and $ 3d$ orbital of Na atom. The radial parts of $ \phi_1$ and $ \phi_2$ are plotted in Fig. 2, The convergence behavior of the exchange integral with different expansion centers is shown in Table 2 for $ R =1$ and $ R=5$, where the labels C1, C2, and C3 indicate the choice of the centers at the middle-points, the $ \langle r^2 \rangle^{-1}$-averaged points, and the $ \langle \nabla^2 \rangle / \langle r^2 \rangle$-averaged points, respectively. For $ R=5$ case, the exchange integral converges much faster with the centers at C2 and C3, than with the centers at C1. We have also checked the convergence speed of the exchange integral for different values of $ R$. As summarized in Table 3, the convergence speed with the centers at C2 and C3 is almost the same and generally faster than C1. Since the speed with C3 is slightly faster than that with C2, LIBERI employs the $ \langle \nabla^2 \rangle / \langle r^2 \rangle$-averaged points as the default choice of the expansion centers.

Figure 2: PAO wave functions for $ 1s$ orbital of H atom (solid line) and $ 3d$ orbital of Na atom (dashed line) where the confinement radii are $ r_c = 4.0$ a.u. and $ 9.0$ a.u., respectively.

Table 2: Convergence of $ V$ against $ \ell _\mathrm {max}'$ where the expansion centers are chosen to be (C1) the middle-points, (C2) $ \langle r^2 \rangle^{-1}$-averaged points and (C3) $ \langle \nabla^2 \rangle / \langle r^2 \rangle$-averaged points. The values are in Hartree.
$ R$ $ \ell _\mathrm {max}'$ C1 C2 C3
1 1 0.001287 0.001805 0.001874
  2 0.003231 0.003908 0.003968
  3 0.004661 0.004705 0.004700
  4 0.004712 0.004712 0.004712
  5 0.004712 0.004712 0.004712
5 1 0.059475 0.096212 0.096977
  2 0.085464 0.096992 0.096990
  3 0.094081 0.096996 0.096996
  4 0.096325 0.096998 0.096998
  5 0.096825 0.096998 0.096998
  6 0.096941    
  7 0.096976    
  8 0.096989    

Table 3: The smallest values of $ \ell _\mathrm {max}'$ with which $ V$ converges up to $ 10^{-5}$ Hartree for different values of $ R$. The expansion centers are chosen to be (C1) the middle-points, (C2) $ \langle r^2 \rangle^{-1}$-averaged points and (C3) $ \langle \nabla^2 \rangle / \langle r^2 \rangle$-averaged points.
$ R$ C1 C2 C3
1 4 3 4
2 5 4 4
3 6 4 3
4 7 3 2
5 8 2 2
6 9 3 2
7 9 3 2
8 7 2 3
9 5 3 3

How to compile

The source files of LIBERI is distributed in a gzipped tar archive format. A typical way to extract the source files is
tar vxf liberi-*.tar.gz
or equivalently
gunzip < liberi-*.tar.gz | tar vx
Since LIBERI is a set of C subroutines, the users can easily combine LIBERI with their own C program codes. In order to avoid name conflicts, each source file is given a name starting with prefix ERI_, and every variable and function with external linkage has a name starting with prefix eri_.

As another option, the users can compile LIBERI as an archive library and link it with their program afterwards. A simple makefile is included in the distribution package. The makefile should be edited, so that some environment variables are correctly defined. In a correct makefile,

Then, the archive library of LIBERI can be compiled by typing
If the compilation is succeeded, the archive library file liberi.a is created. The users can combine LIBERI with their own program by including the header file eri.h and linking it with liberi.a. LIBERI uses two other external libraries, BLAS [16] and FFTW [17]. The users have to link these libraries with their own program which uses LIBERI.

How to use

Before any operation of LIBERI can be performed, LIBERI must be initialized by calling ERI_Init which allocates workspace memory, defines the radial grids, calculates target-independent components such as the Gaunt coefficients, and returns a pointer to an object that contains all the relevant information. To release the workspace memory, the users should simply call ERI_Free passing the pointer returned by ERI_Init.

In general, the evaluation of ERI is performed by calling the low-level functions of LIBERI one-by-one, as follows: ERI_Transform_Orbital performs SBT of orbital functions, ERI_LL_Gamma calculates $ \Gamma^i_{\lambda \lambda'}(r, a)$ according to Eq. (7), ERI_LL_Alpha calculates $ \alpha^i_{\Lambda}(r, \vec a)$ according to Eq. (6), ERI_LL_Overlap calculates the overlap function $ P^{ij}_L(r)$ according to Eq. (11), ERI_Transform_Overlap performs SBT of the overlap functions, ERI_GL_Interpolation changes the radial grid from SBT-mesh to GL-mesh, and ERI_Integral_GL performs the integration in Eq. (16) and summation in Eq. (15). The sequence of the calculation is schematically shown in Fig. 3 where data is indicated by the square boxes and the low-level functions by the rounded boxes. The arrays to store the intermediate components such $ \alpha$-functions and the overlap functions have to be allocated by the users. All the arrays are of double type and the required byte size can be obtained by calling ERI_Size_of_* functions. For example, an array for $ \alpha$-functions is safely allocated by the following code:

double *alpha;
alpha = (double*)malloc( ERI_Size_of_Alpha(eri) );
where eri is the pointer returned by ERI_Init.

For the users who do not wish to be bothered with memory management, LIBERI provides several black box functions which perform necessary calculations by calling the low-level functions internally. The schematic structure of the black box functions are illustrated in Fig. 3 by the rounded boxes with dashed lines.

Figure 3: Illustration of the calculation process of LIBERI. The low-level routines are indicated by the rounded boxes with solid lines. The input and output data of the routines are indicated by the square boxes with the arrows. The high-level (black box) routines are indicated by the rounded boxes with dashed lines. The shaded areas show two distinct part of the process. In the procedure 1, the SBT-mesh with the parameters $ N = \mathtt {ngrid}$ and $ \ell _\mathrm {max} = \mathtt {lmax}$ are used, while in the procedure 2, the GL-mesh with the parameters $ N = \mathtt {ngl}$ and $ \ell _\mathrm {max}' = \mathtt {lmax\_gl}$ are used.

One quick example how to use LIBERI is given in the following:

ERI_t *eri;
ERI_Orbital_t *p1, *p2, *p3, p4;
ERI_Info_t *info;
double screen, I4[2], dI4[2];
int lmax, lmax_gl, ngrid, ngl; 
eri = ERI_Init(lmax, lmax_gl, ngrid, ngl, info);
ERI_Integral(eri, I4, dI4, p1, p2, p3, p4, screen);
The arguments for ERI_Init are: lmax is the maximum value of angular momentum $ \ell_\mathrm{max}$, lmax_gl the cut-off of the summation $ \ell _\mathrm {max}'$, ngrid the number of SBT-mesh points, ngl the number of the GL-mesh points, and info the additional parameters for tuning the performance and for debugging. If info is NULL, the default settings are used. After LIBERI is initialized, the integral are calculated by calling ERI_Integral. The information of basis functions should be stored in ERI_Orbital_t object which is defined as:
typedef struct {
  double       *fr;
  double       *xr;
  unsigned int  ngrid;
  int           l;
  int           m;
  double        c[3];
} ERI_Orbital_t;
where fr is a pointer to an array for the radial wave function $ f(r)$, xr a pointer to an array for the radial mesh in atomic units, ngrid the number of items of fr and xr, l the orbital angular momentum, m the spin angular momentum, and c the position of the basis function in the Cartesian coordinate in atomic units. For the calculation of the integral with the unscreened (bare) Coulomb interaction, screen should be ERI_NOSCREEN, while, for the calculation of the integral with the screened Coulomb interaction, screen should be the screening parameter $ \omega$ in unit of $ a_0^{-1}$. The calculated integral is stored in I4 and the derivatives in dI4. If the derivatives are not needed, dI4 can be NULL and the calculations for the derivatives are skipped.

Computation time

On a PC cluster with Intel Xeon processor @ 2.83 GHz, the averaged time for calculating one integral is $ 1.63$ sec where the procedure 1 (see Fig. 3) spends $ t_1 = 812$ msec and the procedure 2 spends $ t_2 = 0.58$ msec, where $ \mathtt{ngrid} = 2048$, $ \mathtt{ngl} = 80$, $ \ell_\mathrm{max} = 15$, and $ \ell_\mathrm{max}' = 8$. As a quick estimation, let us consider a bulk GaAs crystal in the zincblende structure with the lattice constant $ a = 5.65 \ \mathrm{\AA}$. There are two atoms in the unit cell and 13 PAO basis functions are assigned to each atom. The truncation of the PAO functions is $ r_c = 6.5 \ \mathrm{a.u.} = 3.44 \ \mathrm{\AA}$ and the screening parameter is chosen to be $ \omega=0.15 \ a_0^{-1}$ which corresponds to the cut-off length $ R_c \sim 8.0 \ \mathrm{\AA}$ for the Coulomb interaction at an accuracy of $ 10^{-5}$ Hartree [11]. In this condition, the number of pairs of basis functions is $ N_1 = 17 \times 10^3$ and the number of quartet of basis functions is $ N_2 = 14 \times 10^9$. The estimated time for the procedure 1 and 2 is $ T_1 = t_1 N_1 = 14 \times 10^3$ sec and $ T_2 = t_2 N_2 = 8 \times 10^6$ sec, respectively. Therefore, the total time required for a calculation of bulk GaAs is determined almost solely by $ T_2$. The ERI given in Eq. (19) has a symmetry in permutation of the basis functions as follows:

$\displaystyle (12\vert 34)'$ $\displaystyle = (21\vert 34)' = (12\vert 43)' = (21\vert 43)'$    
  $\displaystyle = (34\vert 12)' = (43\vert 12)' = (34\vert 21)' = (43\vert 21)'$ (32)

The estimated time is $ T_2 / 8 \sim 12.2$ days without using parallele computation nor skipping computations when the overlap function $ \tilde P^{ij}(k)$ is small enough. As shown above, $ N_1$ is very much smaller than $ N_2$, so that the computation cost for the procedure 1 is negligible even though $ t_1$ is significantly larger then $ t_2$. This is due to the strict locality of the PAO basis functions. The performance of our code is, thus, characterized by $ t_2$ and is comparable to other established programs. For example, in one of the fastest code based on the Gaussian-expansion method [18], averaged computation cost for a single three- or four-center integral with STO basis sets is 0.5 - 1.5 msec where the number of GTOs for a STO is 12 - 15.


In conclusion, we present a new library called LIBERI for computing the multicenter electron repulsion integrals for numerically defined basis functions based on successive reduction of integral dimension. It is written in standard C in an easy and well structured coding style. All necessary low-level functions which correspond to the equations described in the present paper as well as a user-friendly black box functions are provided. We believe that LIBERI is easy to be combined to electronic structure calculation codes which employ localized basis functions. Development of an interface code for implementation of the hybrid functional methods to OpenMX [8,19,20] is in progress.


This work was partly supported by CREST-JST and the Next Generation Super Computing Project, Nanoscience Program, MEXT, Japan.


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LIBERI: Library for Numerical Evaluation of Electron-Repulsion Integrals

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TOYODA Masayuki 2010-07-01