Runing Error of parallel version! |
- Date: 2006/03/26 21:17
- Name: Hai-Ping Lan
- Dear Professor:
This time i want to compile parallel version of OpenMX,and run into trouble again! I have installed MPICH on a SMP workstation configured with rsh, and no error was found when i tested examples of MPICH/examples. Then, i specified LIBs and header files in makefile, compiled out with information below:
/opt/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(p4_secure.o)(.text+0x87): In function `start_slave': : Using 'getpwuid' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking /opt/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(p4_sock_util.o)(.text+0x155b): In function `gethostbyname _p4': : Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the s hared libraries from the glibc version used for linking strip openmx cp openmx ../work/openmx
But this openmx cannot correctly start when i try to test an example, it gave error as p0_744: p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11
I have checked the MPICH userguide, and it stated that this error is not related MPI. I donot know how to dwell with it, would you please give me some advices ? i should approciate!
Best Regards,

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